Bagged Pre-Mixed Mortars
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Bagged Pre-Mixed Mortars

Complete plants are available for producing bagged mortars and concrete. All new equipment or for great savings a combination of quality used, re-built and new machines for production rates ranging from 1,000 bags per 8 hours to 10,000 bags per 8 hours or more. Simple low maintenance design for generating new products and additional profits.
The following is available.
· Mechanical and electrical engineering.
· Formulations for a large variety of products.
· Installation assistance.
· Start-up and training.
We have a team of experts with a combined experienced of over 200 years in bagged dry mix production of building products. They can engineer the correct plant for efficient production.
Be able to show your existing customers how to increase production, lower labor costs and make more money.
Some of the products this plant can make, and bag are.
· Block pre-mixed mortar. Grey and colored.
· Dry mix concrete. Multiple PSI ratings.
· Tile thin sets and grouts. Grey and colored.
· Concrete repair products.
· Waterproofing.
· Flooring.
· Self-leveling.
· Exterior stucco.
· Interior wall coatings.
· High-strength equipment grouts.
Assistance with formulations, sourcing additives and quality control is available for all these products and more.